How to Create the Genealogy Database

This document assumes that you have already collected all the information about your family and your concern is only creating the computer files so that others can look at your family's genealogy through a web browser.

First Step: Dowload the archive and then extract all files in it. The contents will be placed in a folder names tools that you can rename into something more appropriate, for example, MyFamily. The folder will contain two subfolders database and results (you must NOT change these names), two executable files, genie.exe and genieEntry.exe, the documentation of these two programs, and two HTML files index.htm and HowTo.htm. The latter is a copy of this document. The two executables will run only in Microsoft Windows XP. There also an empty text file whose name provides the version of the package.

Second Step: Run genieEntry.exe and enter the family data. (See the genieEntry documentation on how to run the program.) genieEntry stores data in a folder called FamilyData. (It creates the folder if it does not exist.)

Third Step: Transfer the files from the FamilyData folder into the database folder. You can also edit these files with an HTML editor or, even, a text editor.

Fourth Step: Now you are ready to run genie.exe and create progeny (descendents) and pedigree (ancestors) trees for various members of your family. (See the genie documentation on how to run the program.)

Warning: Both genie.exe and genieEntry.exe are likely to contain bugs.
Use at your own rirk!